Settle Swimming Pool news

Expanding our reach beyond Rathmell, we recently (but not that recently… in June… mea culpa) received a message from a representative of the Settle Area Swimming Pool asking if we’d be interested in sharing news from the pool on the village website, and I hope you (the village) don’t mind if we do.

So, to paraphrase slightly…

Settle Area Swimming Pool locked down in March and was able to place all the pool staff on the Government furlough scheme. A grant from Sport England, along with generous donations from Settle Rotary Club, as well as local individuals and businesses (Bar 13 in Settle, Bentham Town Council, several Parish Councils), have helped keep the pool in business and cover utilities and maintenance.

SASP is now waiting for guidance on reopening the pool from the Government and Swim England. Social distancing and additional hygiene will be required when the pool opens, a thorough risk assessment will be undertaken to ensure the pool complies with all guidance.

Project to rebuild the pool

Members have helped Staff, Trustees and Friends of the Pool to raise funds for the building project for a number of years (though some of the funds had to be used to replace the 40-year-old boilers earlier this year). An application was made to Sport England for a big grant, and in May, Settle Pool was awarded £135,000, taking them much closer to the target for modernising the reception area and changing facilities, and adding space for more out-of-water activities, all of which aim to improve facilities for the local community and keep the pool financially stable. The award was sufficient to submit a planning application and begin the preparation for building. Plans will be shared as soon as possible.

Paper recycling

The popular paper recycling scheme (in the carpark outside the pool), has raised a quarter of a million pounds over the years, and helped to pay for pool improvements, transport for school swimming and support for the Swimming and Disabled Clubs, as well as making an important contribution to the rebuilding plans. The combination of COVID, and a low price for paper, put the recycling scheme on hold, but prices appear to be rising again, so it’s hoped recycling will start again soon.

Rathmell residents wanting to hear Swimming Pool news from the horse’s mouth, and in a more timely fashion, can contact the pool directly at the following: